Matt McBride

The Party

The sky being slowly pulled forward

by a small child on a bicycle.

The air like the inside of a snow globe

after the water has evaporated.

The world contiguous with us. 

These are capitalized times.

An ice cream truck

still playing its song in the rain:

the way love gets smaller

every time you feel it.

This moment having no reason not to exist,

so it does.

Poem with a Hole in the Middle

A Starbucks cup practiced its vowels

over the sidewalk.

The migration of things

and the mitigation of things.

One man threw

a lit cigarette on the sidewalk

and one following pinched it up

for one last inhale.

A child’s bike, spokes covered with tinfoil

to look like chrome rims.

I couldn’t tell which part was the revolution,

so I pretended to be more people.

I decided to stop seeing my savior.

I wrote a poem titled “Poem with a Hole in the Middle,”

and posted this on my list

of things that happened while I was alive. 

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Author Bio

Matt McBride’s first book, City of Incandescent Light, was published this May by Black Lawrence Press. His poems have recently appeared in Failbetter, Map Literary,Ninth Letter, Packingtown Review, and Typo, amongst others. Currently, he lives in a camper in rural Pennsylvania and is an instructor in the English Department at Wilson College.