David Semanki

Photograph By Bruce of Los Angeles

Muscle Builder, October, 1954

Muscle Builder, October, 1954

A different kind of showdown in the Wild West.

Here the outlaw is a photographer. The would-be gunslingers, two aspiring actors—

one found at a downtown department store luncheonette, the other at

a sleepy, beachside gymnasium.  Both hired for their disarming

boy-next-door smiles and trim physiques.  In front of the camera’s lens,

the twosome sporting only ink-black posing straps.  These insincere triangles of fabric

gingerly uphold local and national obscenity laws.

A rancher’s wagon inserted behind the flexing models.  The spokes of the wagon wheels

smooth and well proportioned.  Now the defiant photographer instructs the young men

to remove even the G-strings.  The male models toss them among their discarded

cowboy boots, Stetson hats, and holstered replicas of Colt .45 revolvers.

Manifest Destiny; the Gold Rush; the buttes of Monument Valley; Chisholm Trail—

all of it comes crashing into this 1954 Western scene.

Is the day unusually hot?  Why is there never a good saloon around when you need one?

A braided rawhide lasso coils in the dirt, like a diamondback, ready to strike.


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David Semanki, while an acquiring book editor at HarperCollins Publishers, conceived of, wrote the commentary for, and shepherded into publication Sylvia Plath’s Ariel: The Restored Edition. His poetry has appeared in a mix of mainstream and literary publications including The New Yorker, The Yale Review, The American Poetry Review, The New York Times Book Review, and The Paris Review. He is the Literary Advisor for the Estates of poets Linda Gregg and Jack Gilbert.